Last Friday, Vice Ganda shared a health update on Instagram, saying all was “clear and good.” He was accompanied by his partner Ion Perez.
The Unkabogable Star showed himself wearing a hospital gown while lying in a hospital. His fans quickly took to social media to send healing prayers.
He did not immediately disclose the purpose of his hospital visit. “All clear. All good. Thank you, Lord! Tuloy ang rampa!” he said, along with the hashtag “#HealthySiMeme.”
Fans also tweeted that Vice needs to take a break and prioritize his health. One fan expressed, “You need to pause for a while. Take care always.”
Vice recently performed in Canada and United States. He is set to return to the Big Dome in June for “Your Memejesty Queen VG.”
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Vice gives health update: “Clear and good”
Source: Happy Pinas News