Now managed by Wilbert Tolentino, Hipon Girl eyeing beauty pageant crown

Herlene Budol, or more famously known on TV as Hipon Girl, got the attention of viewers when she first joined Wowowin in 2019. 

She became household name after doing gigs with Willie Revillame. After her moments on Wowowin, Herlene is now managed by businessman and vlogger Wilbert Tolentino. 

Joining Madam Inutz, Hipon Girl expressed her gratitude to Wilbert. She is set to do projects and already met with beauty pageant experts for trainings to become a beauty queen.

In her previous interview with GMA, she recalled how she would always lose in every beauty pageant but she remained hopeful. With KaFreshness Wilbert as her manager, things will go her way.

Hipon Girl with Wilbert Tolentino

No doubt Herlene will achieve the things she wants with the help of Wilbert who is known for his generosity. It was him who gave Madam Inutz her dream house worth 5 million.

Madam Inutz released hit songs Inutil, Sangkap ng Pasko, Marites, and Madam. Fans are excited about Hipon Girl’s projects.

Netizens are also praising KaFreshness Wilbert for his managing style and strategy. Sources said a lot of social media influencers now are eyeing Wilbert as their manager.

For bookings and more details about Madam Inutz and Hipon Girl, please text 09175468845. Talent coordinators and agents are welcome. They will get 10 to 20% commissions.

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Now managed by Wilbert Tolentino, Hipon Girl eyeing beauty pageant crown
Source: Happy Pinas News

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