The OG in pink: Aika Robredo remembers late DILG Secretary

A daughter of presidential bet and Vice President Leni Robredo referenced a quote from a Marvel television show as she shared a 2007 footage showing her late father, Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo, wearing a pink shirt while walking alongside her mother during the Sumilao farmers in Naga.

On her Twitter account, Aika Robredo shared a video of the Sumilao march and accompanied it with the caption “Mama @lenirobredo with her OG kakampink in pink. “What is grief, if not love persevering,” referring to the untimely passing of her father.

The quote was uttered by Vision in the Marvel television show “Wandavision,” as Vision was recreated by Wanda Maximoff after the latter died at the hands of villain Thanos in the movie, “Avengers: Infinity War.”

Aika mentioned “OG” or “original” to refer to her father wearing a pink shirt in 2007 when he and Leni welcomed the Sumilao farmers.

VP Leni Robredo with her daughters

In the video clip shared by Aika, the Robredo couple welcomed the Sumilao farmers in Naga City when they marched from Mindanao to Manila to demand for their ancestral land that was being claimed by a big corporation.

Jesse was then the Mayor of Naga City while Leni helped the Sumilao farmers won their case while working as volunteer lawyer of the non-government organization Sentro ng Alternatibong Lingap Panligal (Saligan).

When Robredo ran for vice president in 2016, the farmers showed their support by reenacting their march from Sumilao to Quezon City.

Robredo reenacted the said march when she visited Sumilao, Bukidnon on Wednesday (February 23) and signed a covenant with the farmers.

During their meeting, the farmers reiterated their support for Robredo’s presidential bid, saying she is the right person to lead the country.

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The OG in pink: Aika Robredo remembers late DILG Secretary
Source: Happy Pinas News

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